With love and cacao ..

I love cacao ceremonies, no, it is not chocolate …

It’s a gathering where we come together around a fire, set intentions, indulge in cacao, dance, and offer prayers to our selves, our family, our loved ones, our ancestors, to the earth, the heavens, the moon and the sky …. I feel like traveling back in time. I really feel my heart opening. It leaves me feeling content, connected to the elements, and genuinely happy.

I’ve lost count of how many times my friends teased me about cacao ceremonies, but let me share the incredible story behind cacao ceremonies and the wellness benefits of cacao itself. I always thought I would attend my first cacao ceremony in Peru or Bali, but it happened here in Dubai, in the beautiful Seva garden.

The story of cacao ceremonies dates back to ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, where the indigenous people, particularly the Aztecs and Maya, revered cacao as a sacred and powerful plant. Cacao, or Theobroma cacao, which translates to “food of the gods,” held a central role in their spiritual and cultural practices.

In these ancient societies, cacao was considered a divine gift, connecting people to the gods and the spiritual realm. It was consumed not only for its rich flavor but also for its perceived ability to facilitate communication with the divine and enhance overall well-being.

Cacao ceremonies were conducted as rituals to honor and harness the mystical properties of the cacao bean. Participants would gather in a communal setting, often around a fire, creating a sacred space to share intentions, express gratitude, and connect with one another on a deeper level. The ceremonial preparation of cacao involved grinding the beans and combining them with various herbs and spices, creating a ceremonial drink.

As participants consumed the cacao, they believed it opened their hearts and minds, fostering a heightened sense of awareness, empathy, and connection. The ceremonial aspect, along with the intentional consumption of cacao, created a unique and transformative experience.

In modern times, cacao ceremonies have experienced a revival, gaining popularity in wellness and spiritual circles. People are rediscovering the profound effects of ceremonial cacao on their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Now, let’s delve into the benefits of cacao on people’s well-being:

  1. Heart Opening: Cacao is believed to have heart-opening properties, promoting a sense of love, compassion, and emotional openness.
  2. Mood Enhancement: Cacao contains various compounds, including theobromine and serotonin precursors, that may contribute to mood enhancement and an overall sense of well-being.
  3. Energy and Focus: The natural stimulants in cacao, such as theobromine and caffeine, can provide a gentle energy boost and enhance mental clarity and focus.
  4. Antioxidant Rich: Cacao is a potent source of antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and support overall health.
  5. Spiritual Connection: Many participants in cacao ceremonies report a heightened spiritual connection, increased self-awareness, and a sense of inner peace.

It’s important to note that while cacao can offer various benefits, individual experiences may vary. As with any wellness practice, it’s essential to approach cacao ceremonies with an open mind and a respectful understanding of the cultural and historical significance behind this ancient tradition.

You can experience cacao ceremonies anywhere in the world, as far as Dubai is concerned, I usually go to Seva Experience or Just Be.

If you wish to experience it, I suggest you go with an open heart, with an intention to receive what the cacao has to offer you that day.

With love and cacao,


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